Visual Smugglers

Sep 29, 20213 min

Staying disciplined through trials and tribulations

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

We sat down with Glen De Mel and talked about discipline.

A Conversation about staying disciplined with Glen an entrepreneur & his tips on staying focused


How do you stay disciplined?

Glen De Mel

One thing that I believe cannot be taught is hunger. You can be the smartest person in the world, but if you're not hungry to go out there and make your own bread, it's difficult to be disciplined in this specific realm. If you're born into a life of privilege, it's difficult to understand what it's like to not have this hunger. Me being an immigrant I know what it's like not to have much.

It’s difficult to create and manufacture that hunger

When I was young, I knew what my passion was. I knew I was always going to do something in business. I just didn't know what, but I knew no matter what, I like money. But then after making money, I realized it's not the money that I like. I like the time.

When you're young, you think you want all these fancy things and you want to be a baller. What I'm realizing more and more now is what I actually want is enough money to be able to live life on my own terms.If I want to travel somewhere. I don't want to have to report to anyone. I want to just pick up and go, but I also want to have the financial resources.

If I want to give my mom some money, help support my friends in a business that they want to do. I want to start a family and have kids you need money to do all those things, and what that does is it allows you to create and buy time.


What tips do you have to stay focused?

Tip #1

Make an intention to avoid distractions

Put away your phone and take one to two hours out of your day a few times a week, and focus on a specific task or your health.

Tip #2

Track your progress

Write down tasks that need to be done. Breaking things down into little steps allows you to identify all the areas in which you're lacking.

Tip #3

Hold yourself accountable

Find out a way that you can notice when you’re not staying focused. Or ask friends to hold you accountable when you’re slipping from your goals.

Tip #4

Write down what you want to accomplish

Physically write down your goals and intentions and look at them every single day. If you're physically making a solid intention to write something down, that makes it much more real.

Tip #5

Be around like-minded people

Start reaching out to someone that you want to be like. Reach out and offer them value, and let them know what you can do to help. Ultimately you just want to learn and hear their story.

Tip #6

Avoiding temptations

Too much time is spent on things that can harm your future, for example, partying, video games, etc. Everyone has their own system of what works for them, but only you can figure that out.

You can't wake up one day and be disciplined

In summary, taking micro-steps today will benefit you greatly. It's your responsibility if you want to achieve the goals you desire. Remember why you started working towards them, and accept the trials and tribulations that come your way. There is always an opportunity to come back stronger.

A video Visual Smugglers shot with Glen De Mel, on Discipline.

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1. 🌱 GROWTH = Growth Mindset

2. 🧠 CRITICAL THINKING = Rules everything around us

3. 📲COMMUNICATION = We listen before we talk

4. 🕸INTENTION = Each action matters

5. 💪DISCIPLINE = To be great, you have to do the work

6. ⚖️ACCOUNTABILITY = If we say it, we do it.

7. ⛏AUTHENTICITY = Getting to the real YOU

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